Grosse Pointe Karate Club
Recommended Reading/Viewing

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Grand Master Schaefer's Recommended Reading/Viewing

  • "Zen in the Martial Arts", Joe Hyams, ISBN 0553275593
  • "Isshinryu Karate: The One Heart Method", Steve Armstrong, American Okinawan Karate Association Publications
  • "The Weaponless Warriors", Richard Kim, ISBN 0897500415
  • "Dojo! The Hard Way, The Only Way...", Sensei Norbert Donnelly
  • "Isshinryu Textbook, Second Edition", Sensei Jeffrey D. Modell, ISBN 0692986405
  • "ETERNAL CHI: Martial Art Meditations for cultivating Chi and Life-Force energies, Second Edition", Sensei John Cox, ISBN 1641990481
  • Grand Master Willie Adams' SMAI Virtual Dojo

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