Grosse Pointe Karate Club
Mr. Ed Greenup, 1948-2016

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The Grosse Pointe Karate Club mourns the loss of its long-time student and black belt, Mr. Ed Greenup, March 18, 1948 - October 31, 2016 (Obituary, Guestbook).

Mr. Greenup will be missed by all those that he helped during his many years at the dojo.

Mr. Greenup
Photo of images displayed at Mr. Greenup's wake. November 2016.

Mr. Greenup
Master Schaefer, Mr. Ken Hoffman, Mr. Ed Greenup - September 2016.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and Sensei Tomko, Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament, July 2016.

Mr. Greenup
Mrs. Raspa, Mr. Greenup, Master Shunk, and Sensei Tomko, KIAI Tournament, June 2016.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and Ms. Schaefer, Grosse Pointe Karate Club, Christmas Party 2015.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and Sensei Buckley, Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament, July 2015.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup, Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament, July 2015.

Mr. Greenup
Ms. Femminineo and Mr. Greenup, Pictures from Around the Dojo, May 2012.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup, Sensei Knox, and Master Schaefer, Sensei Decker's Wedding, August 2009.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and Ms. Schaefer, Pictures from Around the Dojo, August 2008.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup, Master Shunk, Sensei Tomko, Sensei Reeves, and Sensei Decker, Grand Master Adams' Christmas Party, December 2005.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and company, Harper Woods Karate Club, December 2004.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Hess and Mr. Greenup, Black Belt Testing, November 2004.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and young Mr. Hess, "Watch your stance", Pictures from Around the Dojo, April 2004.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup, Pictures from Around the Dojo, April 2004.

Mr. Greenup
Mr. Greenup and Master Schaefer, Black Belt Testing, December 2003.

Mr. Greenup
Sensei Tomko, Mr. Greenup, and Ms. Battaglia, Master Adams' Christmas Party, December 2001.

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Soke Shimabuku Grand Master Mitchum Grand Master Nagle Master Chapman Master Noxon Grand Master Adams Grand Master Schaefer