Grosse Pointe Karate Club
Grand Master Schaefer's Photo Archives

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Grand Master Angi Uezu and Grand Master Adams - 1998
Sho Dan Test, with Master Early, and Ernest Riley - April 5, 1986
Grand Master Schaefer with Master Early - June 19, 2021

Sho Dan Test, sparring with Master Early - April 5, 1986
Six Mile Dojo - 1987, also meet the Six Mile Dojo...
Grand Master Don Nagle and Grand Master Schaefer - 1987
Grand Master Don Nagle and Grand Master Schaefer - 1987
Grand Master Don Nagle at a seminar - 1987
Master Panazolla, Grand Master Schaefer, Grand Master Martin, Master Woods - Grand Nationals in Chicago, 1987
Grand Master Schaefer and Master Albert Mady - 1987
IIKA Newsletter - Isshinryu Hall of Fame Inductions and Tournament - 1987
Southfield Martial Arts Institute Flyer with Grand Master Schaefer - 1988/1989
Grand Master Schaefer, Traverse City, July 1990
Grand Master Schaefer, Sensei Troy Soles, Sensei Lahti, and Sensei Bill Schaefer - 1993
Grand Master Schaefer performing Chinto kata at 1994 Grand Nationals
Grand Master Schaefer and Grand Master Bohan - 1997
Grand Master Schaefer with Master Clyde Dennis - 1997
Black Belt promotions: Mr. Greenup, Grand Master Adams, Sensei Tomko, Grand Master Schaefer - December 1997
Grand Master Angi Uezu with Grand Master Schaefer as uke at a seminar - 1998
Grand Master Angi Uezu with Grand Master Schaefer as uke at a seminar - 1998
Sensei Rosemond, Grand Master Schaefer, and Grand Master Angi Uezu - 1998
Sensei Bill Schaefer, Grand Master Schaefer, Grand Master Angi Uezu, and Grand Master Adams - 1998
Grand Master Adams, Ms. Stieber, Grand Master Schaefer, Mr. Reeves, Sensei Shunk, Mr. Daniel - Charlotte, NC - 1998
Black belt promotions: Sensei Bill Schaefer, Grand Master Adams, Sensei Mary Schaefer, Grand Master Schaefer - August 2001
Harper Woods Karate Club Black Belts - 2002
Mr. Dube with Grand Master Schaefer after KIAI 2002 Tournament
Ms. Stocking, Ms. Panzack with Grand Master Schaefer after KIAI 2002 Tournament
Ms. Otto with Grand Master Schaefer after KIAI 2002 Tournament
At a seminar in Ohio, with Soke Glenn Premru - July 2003
Sensei Fred George, Grand Master William Duessel, Grand Master Schaefer at the July 2003 KIAI Grand Nationals
Sensei Knox, Grand Master Schaefer, and Sensei Shunk - June 2009
Master Rice, Sensei Doggett, Master Turner, Grand Master Adams, Grand Master Schaefer, Master Early - July 2010
Grand Master Schaefer, Grand Master Adams, Grand Master Adler, and Grand Master Santilli - July 2011
Sensei McCarroll, little Sensei McCarroll, and Grand Master Schaefer - December 2012
Grandaster Mitchum and Grand Master Schaefer - Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament - July 2015
Master Early, Grand Master Schaefer, Master Martin, and Grand Master Holloway - Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament - July 2016
Grand Master Schaefer, Mr. Ken Hoffman, Mr. Ed Greenup - September 2016
Grand Master Schaefer, Grand Master Nick Adler - June 2017

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Soke Shimabuku Grand Master Mitchum Grand Master Nagle Master Chapman Master Noxon Grand Master Adams Grand Master Schaefer