Grosse Pointe Karate Club
(Formerly the Harper Woods Karate Club)

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KIAI Tournament, June 2021
KIAI Tournament, June 2021
Dojo Christmas Party, December 2019
Dojo Christmas Party, December 2019
KIAI Tournament, June 2019
KIAI Tournament, June 2019
Dojo Christmas Party, December 2018
Dojo Christmas Party, December 2018
KIAI Tournament, June 2018
KIAI Tournament, June 2018
Group Photos Collection...
Grand Master Willie Adams
The Sensei for the Grosse Pointe Karate Club (GPKC) is Grand Master Michael J. Schaefer, 9th Degree Black Belt. Grand Master Schaefer trains under Grand Master Willie Adams, 10th Degree Black Belt. The Grosse Pointe Karate Club is a dojo in the Karate International Association of Isshinryu (KIAI).
Sensei's Corner
Dojo Announcements, Calendar, and Upcoming Events



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Soke Shimabuku Grand Master Mitchum Grand Master Nagle Master Chapman Master Noxon Grand Master Adams Grand Master Schaefer