Term | Definition |
Age: | rising |
Aswatti: | sit |
Bunkai: | definition |
Chin-na: | sieze-control |
Chudan: | middle area |
Dachi: | stance |
Dan: | Blackbelt |
Dojo: | training hall |
Empi: | forward elbow |
Gedan: | lower area |
Geri: | kick |
Gi: | uniform |
Hachimaka: | sweat band |
Haito: | ridge hand |
Hajime: | begin |
Heiko Dachi (Kumae): | parallel, open stance (ready position) |
Ippon: | one point |
Isshin: | one heart |
Isshin Ryu: | One Heart Way |
Jodan: | upper area |
Juji Uki: | "X" block |
Kajushi Geri: | balance kick |
Kakato: | heel of foot |
Karate: | empty hand |
Keage: | snapping |
Kekomi: | thrusting |
Keyoskay (Kiaskae?): | attention |
Kiai: | The sudden, loud, battle yell of a karate-ka |
Kiba Dachi: | horse stance (double wide stance) |
Kinkutsu: | muscle control |
Ko Kutsu Dachi: | back stance |
Kobu Jutsu: | art of weapons |
Kombanwa: | good evening |
Konichiwa: | good afternoon |
Kosa Dachi: | crossed leg stance |
Koshi: | ball of foot |
Kumae: | on guard |
Kumite: | sparring |
Kyu: | below black belt rank |
Kyosho: | attacking vital points |
Mae: | front |
Makiwara: | punching board |
Matte: | wait |
Mawashi: | round |
Mikazuki: | crescent |
Musubi Dachi: | formal stance (attention stance) |
Nage: | throwing |
Nihon: | two point |
Niko Ashi Dachi: | cat stance |
Nukite: | spear hand |
Obi: | belt |
Oyasumi Nasai: | good night |
Rei: | bow |
Ryu: | way |
Sanchin Dachi: | hourglass stance |
Seiken: | fist |
Seisan: | 13 |
Seiza: | formal sitting |
Sensei: | teacher |
Shiai: | inter dojo competition |
Shihan: | master |
Shotai: | palm heel |
Shuto: | knife hand |
Sinban: | referee |
So Mukae: | bow performed to Chief Grand Master |
So Bukae: | bow to Master if her or she is still alive |
Soke: | founder; head of family |
Soto Hachi Dachi: | seiuchin stance |
Stohan Nukite: | Vertical Nukite |
Suba Dachi: | attention stance |
T Sero No-Iwa Dachi: | crane stance |
Tachi Rei: | informal, standing bow |
Tameshi Waza: | breaking technique |
Teiji dachi: | T-stance |
Tettsui: | hammerfist |
Tobi: | jump |
Tori No Ateme Uke: | chicken head block |
Tzuki: | punch |
Uchi: | strike |
Uchi Hachi Dachi: | naihanchi stance |
Ude: | forearm |
Uke: | block |
Uraken: | backfist |
Waza: | technique |
Udansha: | a group of black belts |
Yama: | stop |
Yoko: | side |
Yonhan Nukite: | Palm up (horizontal) nukite |
Za Rei: | formal bow |
Zen Kutsu Dachi: | front stance |